You know, for people who hate wordplay I think reading our blog would be a huge punishment...

Friday, August 27, 2010


Faute d'annonce récents .. Voici quatre heure d'été traite

Pardon my french.. seriously..

l'histoire d'une

On her sleepy commute to her soft-handed job, Ms. Fox heads south on Trafalgar

A special thing happened on this overly average morning

She spotted a nun

Thinks to herself...

"That's not their usual habit"

Deux étages

Here's my advice when you go camping...

Numero uno, Dont get eaten by a bear

El número dos, Layer the bug spray

(This prevents 17 bug bites within a square inch)

(Which in turn prevents scar tissue)

Número tres, Don't pitch your tent on an angle

(This prevents tent from flooding)

(Which in turn prevents books from being ruined)

However, my tent just pitches on an angle

It's not my fault.

De trois étages

So our co-worker is using the machine that processes cheques

And it's going really slow

So he says

Arg, there are too many cheques

Then I said

Is the machine checking out?

Histoire courte quatre

I asked my co-worker to bring me a book on Monday

She said she would bring me "The Life of Pi"

I said that sounds great

She said prepare for a slice of pi on Monday

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

De l'après-midi

Dr. 3V1|
Are bees really attracted to sweet things?
In fact, it is a phenomenon that bees are attracted to urban areas.

Ms. Fox
I guess they want to see what all the buzz is about.


Mardi (Gras?)

Ms. Fox
My co-worker got a call from a "Michael Jackson"
didn't answer it
and so, naturally, began spouting puns from song titles

"Did the call give you a thriller?"

"He was probably calling about that meeting with Billie Jean"

"I could keep going if you want, but if you want me to beat it i'd understand"

Monday, August 23, 2010

les jours de la semaine

Ms. Fox

Someone called in and asked if they could use their gun license as I.D. for a marriage license.

Just then, a co-worker piped up "Is it a shotgun wedding?"


Août Lundi vingt-troisième

Miss. Chelle's 18th.

(We drank all their cheap red wine and left.)

Oh my Jee,
look at her DB attitude
Its so ...big
She looks like one of those frat guys girlfriends
Who understands those frat guys
They only talk to her because she looks like a total prostitot
I mean her 'tude
It's just so big
I can't believe her
She's just dumb

It's just out there
I mean, it's gross
Look, she's just such a dumb bitch

I like big 'tudes and I can not lie
You other homebros can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty brain
And that bad-ittude in your face
You get _ _ _ _ _ _

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Ms. Fox
I feel like my hip is locked
like there's an air bubble or something
inside the bone that needs to be popped,
or something has to click back into place

i would do some "hip roations" hula hoop fashion
thats the best hip stretch i know

nah, doesn't seem hip enough for me...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

C'est le 18 Août

Ms. Fox
...So this young guy walks in says he's here for an application to be a trustee
and then a co-worker of mine messages me + says
"I would vote for him, just because he's young"
and then i said
"no way, the guy terrifies me. If i ever saw him in a dark alley, i'd be frightened for my intestines" (this is american psycho rubbing off on me)
and then i was like,
"I don't trustee him"